Home » ITA M: Osmany Juantorena sends a message to the fans and teammates

ITA M: Osmany Juantorena sends a message to the fans and teammates

by WoV

Lube’s star Osmany Juantorena doesn’t like the current atmosphere that is flowing around the club.

Lube Civitanova

Lube Civitanova

He has taken the opportunity to comment on it, posting a long post on Instagram.

It’s not good to hide behind the finger without understanding the bad moment we are going through as a team and individually. No one will be able to help us, neither society nor staff, only we can get out of this situation. I remind you that we are the ones who play and each of us knows how to get out of it. We are working on it. Many people now watch us and criticize us without having patience or trust in this team. Let’s stay together guys. We won two points, we didn’t lose one. I am with you until the end. Forza Lube,” write Juantorena on Instagram.

Recall that Italian media are writing about coach replacement in Lube…



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