Home » TUR W: Naz for Lidyana.com

TUR W: Naz for Lidyana.com

by WoV
source: volleywood.net

Elegant accessories for an elegant angel named Naz Aydemir.


Naz Aydemir

Lidyana.com has signed on Turkey’s precious angel Naz Aydemir as one of its product endorsers.

Founded January 2012, Lidyana.com targets to be the largest online retailer of bijou and accessories in Turkey. Lidyana.com provides a wide selection of products including famous designer brands with a return policy in
case of customer dissatisfaction and free repair in case of product damage. Lidyana’s faces, referred to as “Elegant Ambassadors”, are public female figures from TV, movies, sports and business sector.

Lidyana.com describes Naz’s style:

Naz says she prefers to wear light-weight accessories even during her matches, while she admits to be a real “never-without-my-accessories!” sayer in her personal life. Her choices are suited for women who like to wear accessories in their daily lives but prefer to demonstrate a simplistic style.

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