Now, Pawel Woicki and Aleskandar Atanasijević are playing in different teams in different countries. Woicki stayed in Poland (Transfer Bydgoszcz), while Atanasijević currently defends color of Italian Perugia.
On social network Twitter, Woicki contacted former teammate and opposite of Belchatow:
“Hey Man!!! How are you? I’m learning twitter, now i know how to send you a twit 🙂” wrote Woicki.
Then, Atanasijević answered with joke to Polish setter:
“Hahahaaha 😉 You needed one year to learn how to send a tweet? ;)) I am great, ready for new season…And you? All ok?” asked Aleksandar. ‘
“For me, it’s normal. Now I know how it works 🙂 How did you feel after so many matches, you still have power?” And you beat Cuneo, nice” wrote again Woicki.
This is the proof that they spent a great time in Belchatow.
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