Thibault Rossard and Marcin Możdżonek have signed new contracts with Asseco Resovia and they will certainly be part of the 2017/18 team. But, who will play with them?
According to sportowefakty.wp.pl, the management of Asseco Resovia will have a very busy summer as almost the whole team will be out of contract at the end of the season!
Piotr Nowakowski, John Gordon Perrin, Lukas Tichacek, Dawid Driya, Marko Ivović, Jochen Shops, Fabian Dryzyga, Gavin Schmitt, Damian Wojtasyek and Frederic Winters will all be free players at the end of the 2016/17 campaign as their contracts with Resovia will expire.
Who will stay and who will leave? That depends on many things. One thing is certain, the following transfer period will be very interesting in Asseco Resovia.
Asseco Resovia
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