Shailen Ramdoo
After publishing the story about “incident” in Finnish league, the head coach of LiigaSärkät Shailen Ramdoo gave an official statement for our website! He denied fight, punching and pushing:
„Bruno Baltar is a player who arrived to LiigaSärkät on 23rd October 2014. Integration of the player to top professional level in Finland has been a rollercoaster with plenty of breaches of contract the past 3 weeks due to lateness at practices, lack of respect to players, bullying to assistant coach and many more personal issues.
The incident that occurred took place during our last game vs. LiigaRiento and the player Baltar was arguing with my libero and assistant coach when he was given instructions to attack a ball that was possible to. His old habit of arguing continued and there was too much disruption and that is where it was my duty to interfere and ask him 5 times to shut up and take a seat quietly.
However, he wasn’t responding to the instructions and I ask again and made way for him to go and sit there on the last chair on the bench not to disrupt further the team.
There was no punching as declared by Finish media. A young journalist was looking at the situation from about 25 meters distance.
There was no fight and no physical contact. The player Balter will face his 3rd official warning of breach of contract and we/the board members of LiigaSärkät will decide next Monday on the course of action to be taken due to his repetitive aggressive behaviour especially in public.
I hope that stories like that could be checked with the people involved before publishing. And we are planning to sue the newspaper that published this without asking me or any member of my team of what really happened” said Ramdoo for WorldofVolley!
NOTE: If you want to use this statement, you need to sign WorldofVolley as your source and to put link of this artcile on your website.Thanks in advance.
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