Home » Rules of #WoVChat!

Rules of #WoVChat!

by WoV

WorldofVolley wants to meet you with the rules of #WoVChat.



You will have to respect all of them if you want to get the answer from our guest. Prepare your questions and follow these instructions.

Rules of the #WoVChat:

1. English language

2. Use ALWAYS #WoVChat hashtag inside your tweet (preferrable at the beginning)

3. Try to make simple and short posts (max 100 characters)

4. Be polite like most of the volleyball people are

5. Only Tw Post, no Direct Message

6. Don’t send too many questions


Our first Twitter interview with Jenia Grebennikov went very vell and the fans wanted to keep chating with other volleyball stars LIVE on Twitter. 


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Rømain totele March 13, 2016 - 1:06 pm

You Will come in New-Calednia to visit ? #WoVchat

admin March 13, 2016 - 7:24 pm

Dear Romain, prepare the question for Grebennikov and send it via Twitter on Monday, March 14, between 21:00 CET and 21:30 CET by using hashtag #WoVChat. In case you do not have Twitter account, make one. Best regards, WoV Team.


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