“What can I say after the last game? We are just very happy. For me, it was the hardest season of all the four I have spent in Resovia. We had ups and downs, but it’s like that in every season,” said Kowal.
“One team can be recognized how it ends and it ended in great style – with a gold medal. All the time I said that the Polish championship is the culmination of the entire season. Of course, the second place in the Champions League is a great success, but the most important was our last game in the league,” he added.
Resovia’s receiver Rafał Buszek announced that he had played his last game in this club.
“I think that before the season only few people thought we can achieve such results. In fact, these two medals are a huge success. Personally, I am satisfied with this season. I have done a good job. Every player has had its share in this success. So far, I can only say that this was my last game in Resovia. I’m glad that I’m leaving with a gold medal.”
The middle blocker of Trefl, Wojciech Grzyb, wasn’t very disappointed by winning only the silver medal.
“Certainly we are very pleased with the silver medal and we greatly appreciate it. Of course, we are sorry that we lost the third match. I think we could afford a better game. Nevertheless, we are pleased and delighted that this season we managed to achieve such a great success which is the silver medal winning the Polish Cup.”
See full report from the last playoff Resovia – Trefl game.
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