Home » SRB M: Kolaković – “I am very happy! Nikola is the right man for the job”

SRB M: Kolaković – “I am very happy! Nikola is the right man for the job”

by WoV
source: zurnal.rs; Photo: cev.lu

Igor Kolaković, ex-head coach of the Serbian National Team, stated that he is pleased with the fact that his successor will be Nikola Grbić.




“I think he is the right man for the job, and I have already said that when I resigned from the position of the head coach. I do not have any doubts in Nikola. I just hope that he will also receive a support from the Volleyball Federation and from the public, and that all of them will have patience. Nikola will work with excellent group of players, which are playing with their hearts for the national team. I am very happy indeed, and I congratulated him immediately. I wished him to be even more successful coach than he was a player” said Kolaković for zurnal.rs.


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BlueRedWhite February 7, 2015 - 2:44 pm

is it possible to see Kolakovic in Sir Safety Perugia?


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