Home » #IAMINBERLIN: Red and white dream continues, Resovia in the final!

#IAMINBERLIN: Red and white dream continues, Resovia in the final!

by WoV

For the first time in club's history Asseco Resovia will play in the Champions League final! In the big Polish derby, red and whites outplayed PGE Skra Belchatow and scheduled the big clash against Zenit on Sunday afternoon.

Skra vs. Resovia

Skra vs. Resovia

Asseco Resovia – PGE Skra Belchatow 25:23, X3! In the second semi-final, Resovia managed to overpower its biggest rival in straight sets and to qualify for the big final of the CEV Champions League. The interesting thing about this game is that every set had the same final result – 25:23!

Therefore, Asseco Resovia will play against Zenit Kazan in the match for trophy. The big final starts on Sunday, 15:45 (CET).

Read the full play by play report. 



Game Date/Time Teams Set Result per set Stats Videos
Semifinal 1 28. 03. 2015 17:00 Zenit Kazan vs Berlin Recycling Volleys 3:1 26:24; 21:25; 25:22; 25:15    
Semifinal 2 28. 03. 2015 20:00 Asseco Resovia Rzeszów vs PGE Skra Bełchatów 3:0 25:23; 25:23; 25:23  


22:25, Resovia goes to the FINAL. 

22:24, The ball goes out. Kowal calls for time out 

21:24, Lisinac keeps hopes of Skra

20:24, Skra is trying everything to decrease the lead but video check gave Resovia match point

19:23, Mistake from the service line

18:21, Marko Ivovic scores point

16:20, Huge step forward of Resovia to the final match

16:18, Penchev had opportunity to increase the lead, but he made mistake

15:18, Penchev gives Falasca new headache. The head coach of Skra calls time out

15:16, Nowakowski’s mistake from the service line

14:16, Resovia has two points of advantage. Winiarski’s mistake

14:15, Video challenge request by Skra, Resovia wins point

12:13, Long contact with the ball of Winiarski gives Resovia lead again

12:11, Schops is having problems from the service line

11:11, Bad reception, Ivovic spikes from the first touch

11:9, Clever move by Uriarte

10:8, Easy point for Conte; Penchev entered the court for Resovia again

9:7, Drzyzga’s mistake

8:7, Superb pipe by Marko Ivovic

8:6, Skra has two points of advantage at the first TTO

7:5, Good block by Skra

5:5, Ivovic hit the net from the service line

4:4, Schops makes mistake

4:3, Nowakowski scores again

3:3, Nowakowski blocks Wlazly

3:1, Skra requests video check, and they were right

1:1, Skra has made a lot of mistakes from the service line. Klos did it again

1:0, Skra wins the first point in the third set



23:25, Resovia has 2:0 lead in sets

23:24, Ivovic makes mistake

22:24, Wlazly got blocked, Resovia has two set points

22:23, Skra calls challenge, Resovia wins point. YELLOW card for Winiarski

22:22, Net fault

22:21, ACE Facundo Conte. Time out Resovia

21:21, Lisinac destroys the floor

20:21, Three players of Skra ran to save the ball…

18:20, Klos mistake, again from the service line

18:19, Schops hits the referee while was trying to save the ball

17:19, Winiarski’s mistake from the service line gives Resovia two points lead

-Problem for Resovia, Penchev got injured

16:17, Fantastic save by Conte, and he took the point!

15:17, Klos scores from the zone 3, first temp

14:17, Again good block by Resovia

14:15, Winiarski stops Resovia’s scoring run

13:15, Amazing serve by Ivovic again, Tille receive it somehow, but Resovia wins point!

13:14, Brutal serve by Ivovic, hits Tille right in the head

13:13, Schops scores very important point and ties the result

13:12, After Kowal’s tim out, Resovia scores two points!

13:10, Servis winner by Skra

11:9, Skra has two points of advantage. Clever move by Facundo Conte

10:8, Conte scores point

8:8, Marechal makes mistake, serve hit the net

8:7, Facundo Conte’s strong spike gives Skra lead at first TTO

7:7, Resovia had two points of lead, but Skra managed to tie. Good serves by Marechal

5:6, Resovia leads again

5:5, “You shall not pass” says Skra’s triple block

4:5, Marechal scores finnaly

3:5, Mistake by Serbina middle blocker

3:4, Lisinac was good and took the chance to score from first tempo

1:1, Lisinac ties the score

0:1, Skra started celebrating first point, but video check said that point should go to Resovia



23:25, Mistake Klos and Resovia has 1:0 lead

23:24, Skra saves the first set point. Time out Kowal

22:24, Great fight of Skra. They were close to save the ball, but they didn’t manage. Resovia has two set points

21:23, Resovia calls for Video Check and they are right! Kowal’s team has two pointss of advantage.

20:22, Schops is good from the zone 2 again!

19:21, Resovia scores, Kowal makes replacement. Perlowski enters to serve instead of Ivovic. Mistake again – 20:21

19:20, Conte with a good spike again

18:20, Lisinac misses Uriarte’s ball, Resovia has two points of advantage. Falasca calls time out

18:19, Schops scores point

18:18, Tied again, error from service line by Holmes

17:17, Mistake by Penchev from the service line

16:16, Fanastic action by Yellow team, It was Conte’s strong spike

15:16, Wlazly now makes mistake. Second TTO

14:15, Drzyzga score for Revosia’s lead

14:14, Great move by Nowakowski

14:13, Again serve error by Resovia. Now, Ivovic was the man who hit the net

13:12, Resovia has managed to tie, but Schops made mistake afterwards

12:11, Facundo Conte makes block point. Skra takes the lead! Scoring run: 4-0. Check out Conte’s STATS in this season

11:11, Skra ties the score!

10:11, Nowakowski tries with his head after he got blocked. Point goes to Skra

9:11, Wlazly hits the line

8:10, Penchev makes mistake from service line. 

7:10, Good defense and the good attack. Resovia has three points of advantage

7:9, Good attack by Resovia

7:8, Resovia had opportunity to take increase the lead, but Schops made mistake

6:8, After Mariusz Wlazly’s serve Holmes scores a point

– The fans of Berlin are in the hall as well. But they just watching the game. They are sad because of their team

5:6, Conte sends ball out of bounds

5:4, Mariusz Wlazly makes block point!

4:4, Mistake from the serve line by Ivovic

2:1, Holmes scores ace for lead

1:0, First point goes to Belchatow


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David March 28, 2015 - 9:57 pm

RESOVIA !!! Fantastic match!!! 🙂

BlueRedWhite March 28, 2015 - 9:58 pm

‘Terrible’ is the only word ,with which I can explain Wlazly performance.

~ March 28, 2015 - 11:39 pm

I can’t believe… Skra sold this match.

David March 29, 2015 - 9:08 am

Skra is just worse team right now.


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