Home » ROAD TO RIO: Fabiana started Rio Olympic Torch Relay

ROAD TO RIO: Fabiana started Rio Olympic Torch Relay

by WoV
source: fivb.org; photo: fivb.org

Brazilian women’s volleyball team captain Fabiana had the honour on Tuesday of starting the Torch Relay for the 2016 Olympic Games.

Fabiana Claudino


I do not have enough words to describe how much this experience moved me,Fabiana said.

It is a mixture of happiness, honour and pride. Being the first person to carry the highest symbol of the Olympic Games will be an eternal memory in my heart. I am very excited, grateful and happy to have had this opportunity. To see the people cheering, excited, some even crying, greatly moved me. I have always been moved by great emotions. It was really an unforgettable day.”


Check out other news from Brazil.

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