Home » Become official FIVB volleyball agent STEP 2: What are agent’s rights and obligations?

Become official FIVB volleyball agent STEP 2: What are agent’s rights and obligations?

by WoV

As a licensed FIVB volleyball agent, you need to know your rights and obligations before taking the test.



There are several RIGHTS for licensed FIVB volleyball agents. Subject to mandatory provisions of domestic law, a volleyball agent or volleyball manager may:

(a) Represent and advise an Athlete or a Club in relation to an Athlete’s International Transfer;

(b) Represent and advise an Athlete, a Coach or a Club in relation to a contract to perform services outside the territory of the Athlete’s / Coach’s Federation of Origin;

(c) Receive a fee for his services mentioned in two sentences above

(d) Use the title “FIVB Licensed Agent” on his business card, website and communications;

(e) Use the VIS(*1) as provided for;

(f) Have access to the dispute resolution system established in the FIVB Regulations.


When we talk about OBLIGATIONS, a volleyball manager shall:

(a) Comply with the FIVB Constitution, Regulations and decisions;

(b) Use the Template Representation Agreement with all his clients, to the exclusion of any other contract;

(c) Notify the name(s) of his client(s) to FIVB;

(d) Represent his client in goo faith and demonstrate integrity and transparency in all of his dealings;

(e) Rnsure that his client personally signs the contract which has been negotiated on the client’s behalf;

(f) Co-sign a contract that he has negotiated on behalf of an Athlete, a Coach or Club;

(g) (if applicable) Notify the name of the legal entity through which he operates to FIVB together with a personal declaration that the Agent remains at all times responsible towards FIVB and any third parties for any actions or omissions made by a person acting for or on behalf of the legal entity;

(h) Pay the annual fee of CHF 1,000 to FIVB for the renewal of his License;

(i) Ensure that the full amount of the guarantee mentioned in previous article*2 remains at all times deposited with the FIVB;

(j) Obtain a license by his Federation of Origin, if the latter has enacted agent regulations for national transfers, and comply with such regulations.


A volleyball agent may not:

(a) Receive a fee or any other type of remuneration for his services by any party other than his client, except with the express written agreement of his client;

(b) Terminate, encourage or be involved in the termination of an Athlete’s contract on the basis of non-payment of the agent fee;

(c) Use the FIVB logo in any way;

(d) Encourage his client to violate the FIVB Constitution, Regulations or decisions.


1* VIS  – Volleyball information system.  The FIVB will provide the Agent with a personal username and password allowing access to the VIS.

2* – An applicant shall deposit with the FIVB a guarantee for compliance with these Regulations during his activities, in the amount of CHF 5,000;


PREVIOUS, STEP 1: Who can become FIVB volleyball agent?

NEXT, STEP 3: What about player’s and club’s rights?


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