Home » UPDATE: World Grand Prix will no longer exist under this name!

UPDATE: World Grand Prix will no longer exist under this name!

by WoV
source: saidaderede.blogosfera.uol.com.br; Photo: worldgrandprix.2017.fivb.com

The annual competition for the Women’s national teams ceases to exist...




The article regarding the criteria for competing in both the 2018 FIVB World League and 2018 FIVB World Grand Prix and their pools composition must be supplemented with one highly important information – the FIVB World Grand Prix will no longer exist. As from 2018, both Men’s and Women’s annual competitions for national teams will be named WORLD LEAGUE!

Initially, the Brazilian website „UOL“, who exclusively revealed criteria for competing in the 2018 World League and its pools composition, published this information, so it is necessary that we transfer it to our readers so they can have a full perspective on revolutionary changes that the International Volleyball Federation has made.

Thus, the World Grand Prix, which was established in 1993 (a three years after the World League), changed its name and ceased to exist in a form that lasted for 24 years. 


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Ronald July 21, 2017 - 3:53 pm

Nothing to add is just a name, like if tomorrow they decide to put an sponsor to it like BBVA World League of Volleyball or ALLIANZ Super World League, change the name the concept is the same, now change the rules and i will kill u :p


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