Home » Resovia’s players refused “honorary citizenship” awards from Belchatow

Resovia’s players refused “honorary citizenship” awards from Belchatow

by WoV
source: sportowefakty.pl

Four players of Asseco Resovia refused to receive the honorary citizenship awards from the city of Belchatow. The only one who accepted is Krysztof Ignacak.



After winning the world championship title, city of Belchatow decided to award whole team by honorary citizenships.

But, it turned out that five out of 14 players who won the gold medal, don’t want to receive awards. Four of them are players of ResoviaFabian Drzyzga, Piotr Nowakowski, Dawid Konarski and Rafal Buszek. The fifth player who refused was Michael Kubiak, who plays in Turkish Halbank.

The only one from Resovia who accepted the honour was Krzyszto Ignaczak.

Probably, the reason of refusing is a huge rivalry of two teams – Skra Belchatow and Asseco Resovia Rzesow! The award ceremony will be held on November the 7th.


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piotr wrona October 31, 2014 - 10:14 pm

Miły gest i jeżeli odmową była rywalizacja klubowa to niefajnie zachowali się zawodnicy.

? November 1, 2014 - 4:32 pm

What a boors… It’s all about national team to gave award to all players from this small city which is part of our volleyball life. Pathetic players don’t want to forget about club rivalisation…

Aguś November 1, 2014 - 4:41 pm

Myślę że powód jest inny. Po prostu ci zawodnicy nigdy nie grali ani nie mieszkali w tym mieście i kompletnie nic ich z nim nie łączy, więc dlaczego mieliby przyjąć obywatelstwo? Ignaczak przyjął ale on grał 4 lata w Bełchatowie.

? November 1, 2014 - 5:59 pm

It’s disgusting, no matter from where they come from, where they play, they won gold for Poland and it’s award from polish city/village no matter what especially when there is placed the best polish club, better than their Resovia.

ASIK November 2, 2014 - 7:33 am

You are wrong. They refused citizeship because they never played and never lived in Bełchatów. They dont have nothing common with this city, so why would they take citizenship? Ignaczak take citizenship because he played and lived 4 years in Bełchatów

lil November 2, 2014 - 3:40 pm

Omg so they should recieve the honorary citizenship from every city and town in Poland? Be serious. It was stupid idea form the beginnng. You should mention lokal election which takes place in Poland this months…


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