Home » Mediterranean Games M: Egypt, Tunisia and Italy won

Mediterranean Games M: Egypt, Tunisia and Italy won

by WoV
source: volleyball.it; Photo: media.outdoorblog.it

Men's teams have also started their competition on this year's Mediterranean Games. The favorites won. Egypt defeated France B team, Tunisia was better than Algeria, and Italy won against Macedonia (FYROM). The top scorers were Falaschi, De Togni, Dolfo, Anzani, Lanza, Mazzone, Sabbi and Pesaresi.


Mediterranean Games – Mersin

June 21

Pool A

EgyptFrance 3-2 (24-26, 25-23, 23-25, 25-18, 15-13)

Pool B

TunisiaAlgeria 3-0 (25-19, 25-22, 25-18)

ItalyMacedonia 3-0 (25-18 25-20 25-19)

ITALY: Falaschi 3, De Togni 7, Dolfo 10, Anzani 1, Lanza 13, Mazzone 6, Sabbi 15. Pesaresi (L). Non entrati: Vedovotto, Galliani, Preti, Partenio. all. Giani.
MACEDONIA: G.Gjorgiev, Josifov, N.Gjorgiev 18, Milev 4, Despotovski, Milkov 6, Ljaftov 1, R.Nikolov 3, Ginov (L), Karanovikj. Non entrati: Urdov e Simovski. All. Jeliazkov.


June 23

Pool A: Turkey – Egypt
Pool B: Tunisia – Macedonia, Italy – Algeria

June 25

Pool A: France – Turkey
Pool B: Tunisia – Italy, Macedonia – Algeria

June 27

For 5th and 6th place: 3A vs. 3B
1st Semifinal: 1A vs. 2B
2nd Semifinal: vs. 1B. 2A

June 29

Final 1st and 2nd place
For 3rd and 4th place

To read more news from this country click on Turkey.

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