Home » RUS M: Russia might face disqualification from Rio Olympics because of Markin!

RUS M: Russia might face disqualification from Rio Olympics because of Markin!

by WoV
source: fivb.org; Photo: RIA Novosti/Roman Kruchinin/rsport.ru

The case of drug abuse by the member of Russia’s National Team, Aleksandr Markin, is in the spotlight of all volleyball related media. Main question is – which consequences will he and his national team bear for that?



So far, it is known that Markin will have the hearing in front of the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) on April 19 which will determine possible sanctions for him only (up to 4-year suspension according to The World Anti-Doping Agency – WADA rules). But, what about the Russia’s National Team or Russia’s Volleyball Federation? As FIVB’s Article 11 (Consenquences to teams) say, Russia’s NT might face disqualification! It would mean that France, who suffer defeat from Russia in the finals of European Qualifications for Olympic Games, will go to Rio!

ARTICLE 11 CONSEQUENCES TO TEAMS (official FIVB regulations)

11.1 Volleyball

Where one member of a volleyball team has been notified of an anti-doping rule violation under Article 7 during an Event Period, the ruling body for the Event:

a) shall conduct appropriate Target Testing of the team during the Event Period;

b) may decide that the team shall be subject to Disqualification from the Event or other disciplinary action, including forfeit of game(s) or of any medals and prizes, in addition to any Consequences imposed upon the individual Athlete(s) committing the anti-doping rule violation.

By reading this, it is clear that option a) is impossible to conduct since the Event (European Olympic Qualifiers) is over. So, only option b) remains!

As for the Russia’s Federation, FIVB might withhold some or all funding or other non-financial support, ban all officials for participation in any FIVB activities for a period of up to two years and/or fine in an amount up to CHF200,000…


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David March 9, 2016 - 11:35 pm

Russia will give money and FIVB forgets about the case. I do not believe in the sport behavior of FIVB.

Simon March 10, 2016 - 5:00 am

I think you misread the article or you referring to a bribe that will never work.

David March 10, 2016 - 1:36 pm

Simon@ This is FIV$. Don’t forget about that.

ar2rg March 18, 2016 - 12:01 am

I realize that the disqualification of Russians by the FIVB is practically not possible. Do not kid yourself. Justly would disqualify them.
But the saddest part is that if ‘caught’ Poles or French or another country, it’s probably disqualification from the place. What are more equal than others – a shame that it works even in sports.


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