Home » RUS M: Superliga rookies from St. Petersburg tie Zenit Kazan duo and legendary blocker Volkov

RUS M: Superliga rookies from St. Petersburg tie Zenit Kazan duo and legendary blocker Volkov

by WoV
source: championat.com, sport.business-gazeta.ru; Photo: Антон СЕРГИЕНКО/sport-express.ru

The newcomers in the Russian Men’s Volleyball Championship, Zenit Sankt Peterburg, added three more players to their roster, all domestic.

Aleksandr Volkov

Aleksandr Volkov


After leaving Zenit Kazan, receiver Evgeniy Sivozhelez was connected with their namesakes from Sankt Peterburg. Now, the deal is closed and he will reinforce Superliga newcomers Zenit Sankt Petersburg, who have high ambitions in 2017/2018.

In the new club, Sivozhelez will be accompanied by a teammate from Kazan team, middle blocker Andrey Ashchev, who also agreed terms with Zenit Sankt Petersburg.

Veteran middle blocker and one-time Olympic champion Aleksandr Volkov confirmed for the Russian media that he also strengthened Zenit Sankt Peterburg after finishing last season in Dinamo Moscow.

These three players officially boosted Zenit Sankt Peterburg roster along with Cuban receiver Oreol Camejo (Beijing, China) and Swedish opposite Marcus Nilsson (Ziraat Bankası Ankara, Turkey).

Superliga rookies aim more players, mostly domestic, which will sign in the coming days. This practically means they gave up on hiring major stars like Sokolov or Djurić as they announced one month ago. It is not clear was this due to reduced budget or something else…


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