Politechniką Warszawską
Your fifth place battle will most likely be against Skra Belchatow. Did you expect such a scenario?
Maciej Zajder: “Before the season – certainly not. But when Skra lost in the quarterfinals to Rzeszów, it became the most likely scenario.”
– The season in near its end. Are you slowly losing your focus?
“I must admit that it is extremely difficult to keep concentration. Fortunately, in matches with Kielce we were able to keep it. We hope that in duels with Belchatow we’ll also be able to keep focus.“
– Do you feel tired?
“I can not speak for my colleagues. For me, the injury that occured at the end of the previous year shook my rhythm a bit. At this point, I do not feel tired. I had a month break and just recently I, grabbed the form and the level that I presented before the injury.”
Read more volleyball interviews.
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