Home » BRA M: Sada Cruzeiro completed “beat ’em all” achievement!

BRA M: Sada Cruzeiro completed “beat ’em all” achievement!

by WoV

You do not see this often in sport. Sada Cruzeiro have beaten all of their rivals in the 1st part of the 2016/17 Brazilian SuperLiga season!

Campinas - Sada Cruzeiro

Campinas – Sada Cruzeiro

Brazilian champions have completed the “beat ’em all” achievement! They scored all 11 wins out of 11 rounds in the 1st part of the season, while they collected 32 out of 33 points.

In the final round of the 1st part of the season Sada Cruzeiro defeated Campinas in the remake of the last year’s finals. The reigning champions did not leave s ingle set to their rivals!

19.12.19:40 BENTO VOLEI/ISABELA – LEBES GEDORE CANOAS VOLEI 1:3 21:25 25:18 20:25 21:25        
21.12.19:00 MONTES CLAROS VOLEI – COPEL TELECOM/MARINGA VOLEI 3:0 28:26 25:20 25:21          
21.12.19:00 SESI-SP – CARAMURU CASTRO 3:0 25:20 25:18 25:18          
21.12.19:00 VIVO / MINAS BELO HORIZONTE MINAS T.C. – SAO BERNARDO VOLEI 3:3 25:23 25:20 25:21          
21.12.19:30 VOLEI BRASIL KIRIN – SADA CRUZEIRO VOLEI 0:3 21:25 22:25 20:25          
22.12.21:55 TAUBATE/FUNVIC – UFJF JUIZ DE FORA VOLEI 0:0                


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