Home » GER W: Dresdner are falling apart – Five more players depart

GER W: Dresdner are falling apart – Five more players depart

by WoV
source: dresdnersportclub.de; Photo: mopo24.de

Fans of Dresdner SC were enjoying in three consecutive championship titles in Germany but after the newest happenings in their club, it is a big question will they have a reason to be happy in the next season as well.




The Dutch Laura Dijkema was the first player from Dresdner to leave Bundesliga title holders. Now, five other players followed her path.

Louisa Lippmann, Lisa Izquierdo and Mareike Hindriksen decided to continue their career somewhere else while Americans Katie Slay and Whitney Little got retired.

Lippmann will stay in Bundesliga (moved to Schweriner SC), Izquierdo did not want to extend contract with Dresdner, while Hindriksen goes abroad. As for Slay and Little, they ended their professional career in favor of employment prospects in the USA.


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