Home » ITA W: Martina Guiggi’s farewell to PESARO

ITA W: Martina Guiggi’s farewell to PESARO

by WoV
source: volleyball.it; Photo: attractherdateher.com

After Serena Ortolani, Martina Guiggi also said her goodbye to KGS Robursport PESARO. For more latest volleyball news visit worldofvolley.com


Martina Guiggi

Pesaro: a beautiful city, a loyal audience and peaceful society as few in Italy formed by serious and honest people, friends, a second family for me!

I will never stop to thank everyone for the most beautiful and the most successful years of my career…

I just want to say goodbye, because my hope is that one day you will start again from your example of what was Robur PESARO and rebuild a team without hypocrisy and lies!

Thank you!Martina said.

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