Home » ITA W: They are hit in Italy! Meijners fourth jackpot of Scandicci

ITA W: They are hit in Italy! Meijners fourth jackpot of Scandicci

by WoV
source: savinodelbenevolley.it; Photo: piacenzasera.it

If there were any doubts that Savino Del Bene Scandicci will go for the championship title in Italy next season, now they are all gone!



After many rumors, it is official – Floortje Meijners will be a new player of Scandicci for the season 2016/2017. She came from Nordmeccanica Piacenza (now Liu Jo Nordmeccanica Modena).

’Flo’ has already won everything in Italy, but the Dutch player will have to find new goals in her career as a member of Scandicci’s dream team, with newcomers Adenízia, Arrighetti and Havlíčková.

The three-time champion of Serie A1 was also mentioned as potential reinforcement of Brazilian Vôlei Nestlé/Osasco who remained empty-handed just like in the case of Carol Gattaz.


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