Even Czestochowa fought bravely and were a step away from an equalizer of the game, at the end they have congratulated the better team. The top scorer of the match was Slawomir Jungiewicz with 24 points.
AZS Czestochowa: Kamiński (5), Hebda (13), Vesely (8), Kaźmierczak (3), Kozłowski (4), Bąkiewicz (14), Bik (libero), Marcyniak (1), Murek (9), Kaczyński (12), Buczek.
Effector Kielce: Jungiewicz (24), Lipiński (4), Poglajen (14), Polański (3), Buchowski (11), Dryja (12), Sufa (libero 1), Staszewski, Bieniek, Wolański, Rmonautti (1), Kaczmarek (libero 2)
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