Katarzyna Skowronska-Dolata
The Polish player decided to play in the Chinese League last year. Katarzyna shared her goals for the next season: “In Italy I won everything I could. I learned a lot from their volleyball school, their life and language. It was not easy to leave. Later in Turkey i experienced another adventure. I really wanted to win the Champions League, but unfortunately I couldn’t. I always dreamed of going to China, and Asia. To experience their way of life. Evergande offered me fantastic terms, so i accepted to embark in this new adventure.“
“Asian teams train 4 hours in the morning and 2,5 in the afternoon. But the coach knows that players from Europe and America can’t train that much so they find a way to manage us.“
After her first year in China, she decided to extend the contract for another year. “At the begining I had huge crisis, but then I learned to live there, I started to be a part of Asia. This year our goal is to defend the title!” Katarzyna said.
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