Home » POL M: Kurek – “It’s not easy to play at Resovia’s home court”

POL M: Kurek – “It’s not easy to play at Resovia’s home court”

by WoV
source: WP sportowefakty.pl

PGE Skra Belchatow need two sets in Rzeszow to advance to the finals and Bartosz Kurek believes that it's going to be a difficult task.

Bartosz Kurek

Bartosz Kurek

“We just wanted to go out on Sunday and play a good volleyball, to put Resovia in a difficult position. Winning the game one gives us a good starting position but we have the second clash. The first game is already behind us but we are waiting for a second game that will decide everything. It’s not easy to play at Resovia’s home court, it’s very difficult. The result is still open,” says Bartosz Kurek, who scored 16 points in the first game with a 61% of attack effectiveness.

PGE Skra Belchatow have the advantage from the first match.


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