In the fourth set, at the result 26:25 for Dinamo Kazan, referees called this spike of Sheila Castro an out! Kazan therefore won the set by 27:25, despite this picture clearly proves that the ball was in, and that VakifBank should have gained a point.
IN or OUT?
Once again there is a question, why the best European club’s competition does not have a video check?!
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Everybody already knew that it was inside. Volleyball is very easy game for refrees to control compared to basketball and football. However, every match has many arguments.
One of the referees made a lot of mistakes last night… During the fourth set, he showed that ball is in and later when we watched the slow motion we noticed that ball was out for at least one meter. That’s a huge mistake. And I could not believe it, because ball touched the floor close to him…
Als je je bril in spiegelbeeld op hebt dan is hij uit!
Where were the referees from? This is why CEV has to put challenge system on every game of CL. and not only this, CEV should do many other things to avoid this kind of situations…
It does no matter, cause it was
it is a shame really, vakif deserved a 3-1 win
The referee may inevitably make mistakes. I can accept it to a certain extent. I believe the goodwill of referees. I myself made such similar mistakes in the past, too. But today, we have highly developed technologies being used in high tension games so I insist on having a video check.