Home » Two simultaneous pregnancies in Praia – Tandara and Karine!

Two simultaneous pregnancies in Praia – Tandara and Karine!

by WoV
source: globoesporte.globo.com; Photo: esportes.r7.com

Accustomed to winning the titles and records in her career, Tandara from Dentil/Praia Clube is now living more than a special moment. The Olympic champion from London 2012 announced on Monday she’s two months pregnant.

Tandara and Cléber

Tandara and Cléber

The baby (gender not known yet) will be born in September. Tandara is married to a fellow player Cléber from Montes Claros Vôlei.

In the first contact with doctors, Tandara was assured that pregnancy doesn’t disturb the receiver to help her team in Super league, according to globo.com. She said that right after she delivers the baby, she’ll be back on the court, in November.

On the same day when Tandara discovered the pregnancy, Praia Clube reported that the setter Karine will be mom as well. She also emphasized she’ll remain committed to the obligations in the team.


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