Home » TUR W: Meliha Ismailoglu doubtful for Olympic Qualifiers?

TUR W: Meliha Ismailoglu doubtful for Olympic Qualifiers?

by WoV

The latest news is saying that Meliha Ismailoglu might skip the Olympic Qualification tournament.

Meliha Ismailoglu

Meliha Ismailoglu

There have been some difficulties with the documentation of Meliha Ismailoglu while applying the squad of Turkey for a very important tournament that takes place in China in two days.

Incomplete documentation is causing the troubles and the Turkish Volleyball Federation is doing everything to complete it.

Meliha Ismailoglu has been playing for Turkey for seven years and there haven’t been any difficulties but suddenly there is some trouble since she is the Bosnian born player with Turkish citizenship as well.

We are waiting for the outcome since there are only two days left until the start of the Olympic Qualification tournament. All sides have been contacted and we are waiting for their answers.

Turkey will play in Pool B with the host China, the Czech Republic and Germany. 



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Tommy Song August 1, 2019 - 3:15 pm

It is ok for any athlete to naturalize to another country. However, these naturalized athletes should not be allowed to represent their adopted countries in the Olympics or international competitions where the athletes are representing countries not as individuals. Exception are if the athlete has blood relation, one of his / her parents is a citizen or the athlete was born in the country. Playing professional careers are ok.

hf August 1, 2019 - 9:00 pm

do u know,ISMAILOGLU’s and BOSKOVIC’s situations are exactly the same.both are bosnian born,boskovic, from a serbian family , therefore has a serbian name (tijana),speaks serbian,plays for serbian nt.similarly ,ismailoglu, from a turkish family , therefore has a turkish name (meliha),speaks turkish,plays for turkish nt.

now suggest the serbs to exclude their naturalized superstar,if u dare,and predict their answers to you. 😀

1 August 2, 2019 - 3:19 pm

Re: @hf

The situation is different but let’s not get into politics – Bosnia is not a real country and shouldn’t exist in its current form. Serbs from Republika Srpska rarely play for Bosnia NT, they are Serbs and therefore play for Serbia, they are not ‘naturalized’. A large part of a Serbian NT in any sport comes from there.

And i doubt Meliha was actually Turkish, more likely just a regular Bosnian muslim.

LangPintier August 2, 2019 - 1:26 am

She can play in January

karakedi August 2, 2019 - 11:25 am

ISMAILOGLU is not of Turkish orgin. She’s from Bosnia. I guess she speaks Turkish but it’s not her native language. I do not mean anything. Just a correction.

Turkey will definetely miss her during the olympic qualifer tornament. I wonder what kind of paperwork caused this problem.

hf August 6, 2019 - 12:52 am

Re: @Tam & @1

sorry to say that but I really doubt if u r in search of truth or just want to hear what u want to believe. But really frustrated with this conversation.

i give AGAIN meliha’s video link,pls watch a small part of video.


considering meliha has NOT been in turkey until 17,even an under average IQ guy can easily understand the reason of meliha’s PERFECT turkish with balkan turk- accent is very simply because her parents are balkan turks and VERY APPARENTLY they speak turkish at home and thats why meliha knows turkish as a 2nd language beside the language of bosnia where she was born and lived until 17.

as for tijana,i know the guys in galataasaray 😀 . they r definitely not imbued with patriotism 😀 so they dont give a damn about turkish NT.and again even an under average IQ guy can easily think a patriotic serbian family would not be in pursuit of registring their girl to istanbul clubs (known as richest volleyball clubs) but simply visit a serbian club in belgrade 😀

karakedi August 7, 2019 - 10:55 am

Re: @hf

I have watched the video. Yes she speak very good Turkish (Though I heard some mistakes that a native speakers wouldn’t normally do – for example around 2:20 she says ‘Ɵampiyonlar’ instead of ‘Ɵampiyonluklar’). But that doesn’t prove they speak Turkish at home. AFAIK her native language is Bosnian language which is a variety of Serbo-Croatian. I remember some news that she was saying her Turkish was not that good when she first came to Turkey.

kitamo kitako August 7, 2019 - 4:03 pm

hf i really dont understand why u are resorting to lies about meliha smajlovic and tijana boskovic when everything u said was just that a lie meliha is common bosnian muslim name in bosnia nothing to do with turks meliha is a bosnian muslim that had to change her aftername guess that is a thing in turkey that u do as for boskovic and your statement that u spoke to some guys in galatasaray and what not i can only say u are the biggest liar cause tijana boskovic and her father made several statements about those negatioations between her galatasaray and only wanted to sign her if she played for their national team and here sister would also get papers and club and here is the proof u can use google translate to get the info needed
NISU PITALI ƠTA KOƠTA! Turci Tijani Boơković nudili BOGATSTVO da igra za njih, ali ponosna Srpkinja ih je ODBILA!

Zvanično najbolja odbojkaơica sveta, reprezentativka Srbije Tijana Boơković, imala je ponudu da zaigra za nacionalni tim Turske.

Turci su Tijani 2011. godine nudili ogromno bogatstvo kako bi obukla dres njihove reprezentacije, međutim, ponosna Srpkinja nije imala dilemu – glatko ih je odbila.

Tijanin otac Ljupko u jednom razgovoru za Kurir 2014. godine je rekao da je za nega bilo nezamislivo da njegova ćerka igra u bilo kom dresu koji nije s grbom Srbije.
‘Nudili su nam super uslove u Turskoj, ali ja to ne bih podneo. Ne bih podneo da igra za bilo koju drugu reprezentaciju osim srpske. Ponosan sam ĆĄto je moja Tijana Srpkinja. Ma, ponosan sam nju u svakom smislu. DoĆĄla je iz male sredine i uspela da se dokaĆŸe’.

Tijani su nudili ogroman novac, pasoĆĄe za nju i sestru, sjajan ugovor u Galatasaraju ali nije ĆŸelela da izneveri svoju zemlju.

Tijana je rođena u Trebinju. Karijeru je počela u Hercegovcu iz Bileće. 2011. je preĆĄla u Partizan Vizuru i osvojila je dve titule prvaka drĆŸave, jedan
kup i dva superkupa. Trenutno igra u turskom klubu Ezačibaơi.


hf August 8, 2019 - 1:34 am

Re: @kitamo kitako

where did u find this shit samuray ? 😀 😀

turks offered enormous wealth to 13 years old girl, yet the poor but proud little tijana rejected the fortune and said ‘i can’t play in any NT other than serbian NT. i can’t betray my country 😀 😀 😀 😀

(it seems little tijana didnt know her country at that time..on the contrary, by playing in serbian NT she betrayed her country (bosnia) 😀 😀 😀 :D)

below the actual story of her but since original turkish text is little complex google cant translate it properly so i give a brief summary of it:

source link: http://www.milliyet.com.tr/skorer/kacan-balik-buyuk-oldu-galatasaray-2091951

At the age of 13, on the recommendation of a congressman from Galatasaray,tijana was taken to test in the infrastructure of yellow-red club after taking a special permission from her family. Galatasaray technical stuff gave full marks to her. After meeting with the family, Galatasaray managers offered the transfer of Boskovic.The family was very happy for the offer and made a request.’We entrust our daughter, but we will start a new life, maybe we will settle in Istanbul. So we demand 10 thousand euros’,and received the answer: ‘As soon as we deliver this money to you,and acquire Turkish citizenship for your daughter we will finish the transfer.However, the club which makes transfers of $ 10 millions in football, couldn’t get this 10 thousand euros from the club’s vault to the volleyball branch.According to allegations, the branch manager of Galatasaray at that time Orkun Darnel, ‘I’ll take care of this work,’ he says … However, due to the busy work tempo Boskovic transfer did not come. Days chased months, the family waited, but nobody called them.Then the family’s door knocked by the Serbian Volleyball Federation with various promises. The family again knocked on the door of Galatasaray, ‘Priority is yours,’ the family said, but again no result. the Boskovic family reluctantly handed over their daughter to the Serbian authorities.

Tam August 8, 2019 - 3:58 pm

Re: @hf
‘Then the family’s door was knocked by Serbian Volleyball Federation with various promises’. Hahahahahahahhaha I must say i would believe you if I didn’t know the situation of Serbian Volleyball Federation.They are barely alive.Hahahhaha they do not even have 2000 euros to give Vizura in Serbia to play in qualifications for Champions League and they gave her promises hahahahahha.Please better checked your resources and one last thing before this sharade continues.Tijana’s family aplied for Serbian citizenship in 2011 in that period of time she was not anybody she was not even a talent.On the other hand Meliha got citizenship just because of playing volleyball and in period of 2009 -2011 she was playing beach volleyball under Bosnian&Herzegovinian flag and that is a problem for Turkey NT.Also a lot of Bosnian Serbs (how you like to call them,eventho they are calling themselves Serbs like everyone in Serbia),who played for Bosnian & Herzegovinian youth NT now cannot play for Serbia ,because that is a rule.Now to explain you a little more about Bosnia & Herzegovina,because i see you like to erase that part of the country name.In Bosnia & Herzegovina live three people(Bosniaks(Bosnian muslim as you like to call them),Serbs(Bosnian Serbs as you like to call them) and Croats(Bosnian katholich or Croats again your nickname).Major of Croats in Bosnia have Croatian citizenship and major of Serbs have Serbian citizenship and they got it because they declared themselves as Croats or Serbs.Meliha’s family did not declared themselves as Turks ,their parents does not have Turkish citizenship.At the end i would love to recommend you someone who knows history to chat with,because you said such a nonsense ‘Balkan Turks’ .When i read that I thought that you were kidding,because Turks can only be people who are coming from Little Asia(I see you like history),secon thing you cannot give a name to someone just because someone conquered part of that country 5 centuries ago,then you can say also ‘Polish Germans’,or ‘Latvian Russian’ ,or’Croatian Italian’ (someone named Samantha Fabris like this and it was huge scandal) which is completely nonsense.I was in Bosnia & Herzegovina and I must admit that in Bosnia & Herzegovina there are a lot of turkish ancient buildings ,some things from turkish culture and a lot of words also,but that is the same in Serbia,North Macedonia,Greece and etc.If you watch like that ,you then must see Austrian part of culture and jewish too.The truth is that major culture is slavistic.I saw also that in volleyball world situation is even worse ,there are aparently just two persons who are working in Bosnian& Herzegovinian Volleyball Federation and I understand why Meliha took Turkish citizenship,because now she can at least play at VNL,Eurochampionship,Worldchampionship and to have a great volleyball carrer.I really like her and i am sad because this happen to her ,because I know that in beach volleyball and indoor volleyball the rules about citizenship are not the same,but you need to know that Tijana never played for Bosnian & Herzegovinian NT,her sister Dajana played when she was younger and now she must play for Bosnian &Herzegovinian NT,or she will not have national team.
At the end I would like to advise you to make sure about what you writing,because parently you are not in good relation with Bosnian & Herzegovinian history.Now i will leave you to think and complian ,but please double checked your stories about culture of one European country,which in my memories was beautiful.

Dude, you have no idea what you are talking about. I wil leave it at that. Meliha should have taked Serbian citizenship. By noe she would have couple of nice shiny medals. August 8, 2019 - 5:12 pm

Re: @hf

Bh August 8, 2019 - 9:20 pm

All correct ! Good reply

asdfg August 9, 2019 - 9:39 am

There is no strict rule in volleyball that forbidden players to change citizenship like in football. In volleyball you can change even they you played for senior team. Just take example of Cuban players Juantorena, Leon, Leal, Simon and even Simon now returned to play for Cuba again.
Other thing is that in Turkish volleyball leagues players that have Bosnia & Herzegovina origin play like home players there.
Turkish NT had and also now has players that are former Yugoslavia origin. They now have Meliha and also Adis Lagumdzija playing for their NT and they are B&H origin.
There is rule in Turkey that surnames can’t have Slavic surnames that ends with ‘ić’ so when they take their citizenship they either change surename either remove ‘ić’ from their.
Tijana isn’t only player from B&H (Republika Srpska is part of B&H) that plays for Serbia NT, there is also Brankica Mihajlovic.

And as for @hf comment that Serbian federation doesn’t have money to give OK Vizura to play Europe I must explain something.
OK Vizura is private club and is just like other clubs in Serbia (Vojvodina, Crvena zvezda, Partizan,….) so federation can’t help one club and others don’t.
When OK Vizura sold Tijana and other players and took good transfer fees for their transfers they don’t give anything from that money to federation. Federation did take money from FIVB transfer like from any other player who play outside own federation.

Karakedi August 9, 2019 - 1:30 pm

Re: @asdfg

Yes, another example is Tomislav Ćoơković, a Bosnian-born Croatian. He played for Turkish NT a few years ago:


And yet another example is Mert Marko Matić, who currently also plays for Turkish NT alongside Adis Lagumdzija:

hf August 10, 2019 - 12:32 am

dudes,will u never give up 😀 ..my intention was to stop this posting but ok ..one last post:

lets make clear,no one denies bh-origin of meliha.she was born in bosnia,spent her childhood and teenager years there, bh citizen,her native language was surely bosnian,her parents were bh ctizens ( and probably they r still so),etc etc…. but,the discussion is about sthing totally different,i.e.the ethnic origin of meliha..UR BIRTHPLACE CHANGES UR CITIZENSHIP BUT NOT UR ETHNICITY. in bosnia the majority r slav people of different beliefs but there is also a turkish minority, so a bh-origin girl can well be ethnically a turk. her original surname (smailovic) musnt confuse u .pls google the assimilation of balkan turks…turkish names, surnames, even speaking turkish were forbidden to these poor people for many decades..

but i ensure u SLAV GIRLS DONT SPEAK TURKISH..THERE IS NOT SUCH A WORLD, believe me 😀 😀 (but meliha speaks)

and turkish national athletes of foreign origin dont sing turkish national anthem in ceremonies and they r not expected and/or required to sing bcause such a request would be too absurd , their awarding citizenship is just a formality…but things changed when the athlete has an ethnic identity of a turk and has relatives in turkey,etc,etc

pls watch below video, in particular from 50th second on..



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