Both teams began the match nervously, but Italy were the first to get a grip, 4-2 after Mikhaylov’s spike out of bounds. When Kovalev committed mistake on the net, Italian team got 6-3.
Russia approached to 6-5 with Sivozhelez’s ace, but Piano blocked Muserskiy and Lanza converted counter attack 9-5. After Zaytsev’s block, „Azzurri“ paved their way to 1-0 lead in sets (11-6). Russians rushed from failure to failure. Juantorena poured superb ace for 18-10.
Zaytsev grounded Savin for 20-10. Russia approached to 24-20 with great blocking, but Italy couldn’t drop a huge lead and took Set 1 by 25-20.
Italy gained a two-point lead at start of Set 2, 4-2. Russians were so unfocused in attack. Instant blaze from Mikhaylov couldn’t put out Zaytsev’s run. Italian opposite simply toyed with opponents’ defense.
With two aces in a row from him, Italy had 10-6. Kliuka was the only one to keep „Zbornaya“ in the game, but Italians played perfectly, 16-12. When Juantorena converted counter attack (20-15), it was clear that Italy will take this set, 25-19.
Carried on the wings of a songful crowd in „Palayamamay“ hall (Busto Arsizio), Italy gained 5-3 in Set 3. When you play against Russia, you need to convert counter attacks in high percentage.
In this set, Lanza was the right man for that in Italy, scoring twice in row to give his team a huge 8-5 lead. Kliuka gifted Italy, probably, a key point 14-8. It was a routine for Italians to brought the match to an end, causing embarrassment to Russia, 25-19.
Game | Date/Time | Teams | Set | Result per set | Stats | Videos | ||
Quarterfinal 1 | 14. 10. 2015 | France | vs | Serbia | 3:1 | 25:22; 25:23; 14:25; 25:20 | ||
Quarterfinal 2 | 14. 10. 2015 | Poland | vs | Slovenia | 2:3 | 17:25; 19:25; 25:23; 25:19; 14:16 | ||
Quarterfinal 3 | 14. 10. 2015 | Russia | vs | Italy | 0:3 | 20:25; 19:25; 19:25 | ||
Quarterfinal 4 | 14. 10. 2015 | Bulgaria | vs | Germany | 3:0 | 25:19; 25:23; 25:23 |
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