Home » FIVB introduces new scoring system, Dutch league the first to accept it

FIVB introduces new scoring system, Dutch league the first to accept it

by WoV
source: vavel.com; Photo: twitter.com/PrinsVCV

After introducing rally point system up to 25 points instead of side-out scoring system up to 15 points, libero and video check, the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) is testing a new rule.



The new rule that FIVB is testing is an innovative scoring system, which is currently applied in play-out of the Dutch Championship.

The match consists of the two halves. In each half, one team needs to take two sets in a rally point system up to 15 points in order to win a half. If the score in sets per half is 1-1, tie-break will decide the winner of a half. Tie-break is played until one team wins 7 points.

Halftime lasts 10 minutes in case of 1-1 and 15 minutes in case of 2-0. If teams win one half each, another tie-break will be played, up to 15 points. Teams change sides in halftime and at 8th point in the final tie-break.

The main reason why FIVB considers introducing new rule in major leagues is the desire of TV networks to make volleyball matches last 95-110 minutes, just like football matches.

The first, historical, match under new rules was played on March 19, between Prins/VCV and ARBO Rotterdam, and finished 4-0.

Sportsbooks like Bovada have started taking bets on the Dutch league with the new scoring system. They aren’t the first, but for a reputable company like Bovada to start taking bets, is a big deal in gaming industry.

Is this new rule going to make current regulations more complicated or it is fruitful for volleyball in general?


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kiel_james March 29, 2016 - 1:47 pm

I disagree with this one, its too complicated and for me, it will make every match unexciting to watch…

Seokheon March 29, 2016 - 5:09 pm

Too Complicated… I can’t understand exactly. Even it seems like to take more time. Because the maximum number of sets is 7… Am I right??

Tim March 29, 2016 - 8:37 pm

Boring Scoring System…

Axe March 29, 2016 - 11:40 pm

Let’s do something for volleyball this time!

True Fan March 30, 2016 - 12:54 pm

If you want to improve the game, just be more tolerant about the ‘dirty’ touches and more tolerant about net fouls (only call fouls when player touching the net is affecting the play).

Andy March 30, 2016 - 7:26 pm

April fool…

Finland March 30, 2016 - 9:53 pm

We tested this rule first of world. Total season at 1999-2000. There is some good points and bad points for this…

Finland March 30, 2016 - 10:33 pm

Actually this system is made from Finnish old volleyball guru Kainu Mikkola who was member of FIVB Rules commission. We played our men’s women’s league with these rule and gave full statistics to the FIVB about this.

Main reason this was not actually interested top guys of FIVB (during that time) was that in Finnish League were always 10-15 minutes extended time between first to periods. During that time that wasn’t not so normal in FIVB.

If needed it would be possible to get more information from Finnish Volleyball Association.

btw… how about some background check before news?

Volleyballer from Finland March 31, 2016 - 11:19 am

Why not just make it like in many other sports. Four 15 minute rounds, switch sides with 1st and 2nd and 3rd and 4th with 1 min break and make the middle break last 10 minutes. There is no ‘sets’ but all points are scored towards total. Last 2 minutes on the last round clock is stopped each time point ends to cut the time playing. If the game is even at the end, keep playing as long as either of teams gets 2 ahead.

This would make the game last more or less 74 minutes and would be guaranteed to fit in TV slot if they reserve 90 min with pregame and few end interviews.

Sad March 31, 2016 - 1:35 pm

Why do we need volleyball in a TV-shape? Sports are different, so the rules. The TV should change and not Volleyball. There are a lot of streams and the internet should take the TV-place soon. I cant understand why Volleyball would need something thats dying… If we should change something: we could change the size of the soccer field to avoid boring games like a 0x0 after 90 min. and maybe split the % of money they become to another sports so they can grow too. (bad english found .-.)

Matthew April 15, 2016 - 4:41 pm

Can anyone give me a link to the FIVB’s new scoring proposal? It’s hearsay until I see it on fivb.org somewhere.


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