Home » POL W: Captain remained in Impel Wroclaw

POL W: Captain remained in Impel Wroclaw

by WoV

After Impel Wroclaw signed contracts with Skowronska-Dolata and Costagrande, they have made another gain. They have extended the agreement with captain.

Joanna Kaczor


Joanna Kaczor will play for Impel in the next season. Last year she was the third best pointer in the Polish Orlen Liga with 438 points in a season, 3.71 per set (see her stats). She was also the third of the best attackers – 366 points with an average performance at 35.53%.

Impel Wroclaw almost finished with transfers for the next season. In season 2015/2016 for Impel will play: Katarzyna Skowronska-Dolata, Milena Sadurek Radecka, Carolina Costagrande, Agata Sawicka, Monika Ptak, Agnieszka Kakolewska, Andrea Kossanyiova, Aleksandra Sikorska, Karolina Pisla, Magdalena Gryka and Joanna Kaczor.


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brian June 10, 2015 - 2:31 pm

will she play opposite? knowing skowronska is also opposite.. or will skowronska be an open hitter?

xD June 10, 2015 - 7:33 pm

Kaczor will be bench OPP, Skowronska starting six OPP. Costagrande & Hildebrand OHs.

brian June 11, 2015 - 3:56 am

i really hope she will not be a bench player.. kaczor is one of the best underrated players.. i think she is better than skowronska..

xD June 11, 2015 - 10:18 am

if kaczor was better than skowronska she could play in well-paid clubs like rabita


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