Home » RUS M: Yaremenko – “Markin took meldonium in December 2015”

RUS M: Yaremenko – “Markin took meldonium in December 2015”

by WoV
source: rsport.ru; Photo: vcdynamo.ru

So, it means that he didn't violate the rules of the World Anti-Doping Agency.



But, these words comes from the mouth of the president of the Russian Volleyball federation Alexander Yaremenko. It has yet to be proven.

“In Dinamo, they used this metabolic drug last time in December” says Yaremenko for rsport.ru.

The meldonium usually stays in organism for two weeks. So, according to Yaremenko, there is possibility to avoid the punishment. But, as we already said, there are some things that have yet to be proven.

World Anti-Doping Agency updated prohibited list by adding meldonium and since the January 1st it has been recognized as prohibited substance.

Recall that Markin was positive on drug test and that he refused to make doping sample “B”.


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Axe March 9, 2016 - 4:27 pm

The thing is that Russian Volleyball Federation has a possibility to manipulate with RUSADA (Russian Antidoping Agency). But since the y found out the traces of this supstance now and Markin refused to make B sample test, everything is clear. The only thing now he can do is to rely on RVF and his club help him because with all the problems they have with receivers/attackers… WADA should have the same rules for everybody

wow March 10, 2016 - 4:56 pm

check this out it is said that in Baku there were more players taking this :
The banned drug that led to the downfall Maria Sharapova saw ‘widespread’ use among athletes competing to qualify for the Olympics at last year’s European Games, it has been claimed.
Meldonium was taken by 10 per cent of competitors at the event in Baku, Azerbaijan, according to research in the British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM).
The study, based on information volunteered by athletes, medical teams and on data from doping tests, suggested up to 490 athletes may have been taking the drug during the competition.The findings showed that during the Baku Games, 13 medallists or competition winners were taking meldonium, 66 athletes tested positive for it, and they said meldonium was detected in athletes competing in 15 of the 21 sports in the competition.
‘This study highlights the widespread and inappropriate use and prescribing of this prescription drug in a generally healthy athlete population,’ said the researchers, led by Klaus Steinbach and Christian Schneider of the European Olympic Committees Medical and Anti-Doping Commission.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3485641/Maria-Sharapova-drug-meldonium-saw-widespread-use-athletes-competing-qualify-Olympics-year-s-European-Games.html#ixzz42VKVu4VM


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