Home » WoV on Gloria Cup: Guidetti – “I have never seen such amazing conditions”

WoV on Gloria Cup: Guidetti – “I have never seen such amazing conditions”

by WoV

VakifBank, Azeryol, Volero, Maribor… What a way to begin a new volleyball year. It is Gloria Cup 2015 and WorldofVolley will be with you during the entire tournament.

Gloria Sports Arena

Gloria Sports Arena

For two days how much we are here in Belek, we can say only that we are impressed. Perfect weather, perfect place, perfect organization… Gloria Cup 2015 seriously “threatens” to become the perfect mid-season tournament. In the beautiful new complex of Gloria Sports Arena, host welcomed four major European volleyball teams.

VakifBank, Azeryol, Volero and Maribor have arrived in Belek to participate on the Gloria Cup 2015 (3-5 January) and get ready for the second part of the season. On the official press conference coach of VakifBank Giovani Guidetti and coach of Azeryol Aleksandr Chervyakov expressed their opinion about the upcoming tournament.

Press Center

Press Center

“I am in volleyball for 20 years and I have never seen such amazing conditions. Place where you have an excellent volleyball gym, fitness center, amazing hotel… And you can arrive everywhere in only couple of minutes, without using a car… I must say congratulations to the people who have built this sports center. I am certainly pleased to be here. Four excellent teams are invited, and from the volleyball point of view we are very exciting to be here” said Giovanni Guidetti, coach of VakifBank.

Aleksandr Chervyakov, coach of Azeryol also praised the Gloria Cup 2015.

“Firstly, I want to thank the host for inviting us on this strong tournament. This is a new sports complex, a new volleyball tournament, and we will do our best to show our best here at Gloria Sports Arena.”  

The Gloria Cup 2015 starts on January 3 and ends on January 5. It is League format in which every team will play against others once.


January 3

16,00 (CET): Azeryol – VakifBank

18:30 (CET): Maribor – Volero

January 4

16,00 (CET): Azeryol – Volero

18:30 (CET): Maribor – VakifBank

January 5

13:00 (CET): Azeryol – Maribor

15:30 (CET): Volero – VakifBak


To find results and stats visit our Gloria Cup Tournament Page.

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M January 2, 2015 - 6:47 pm

Could you mention please, the Country where the Tournament is placed in?


Murat January 2, 2015 - 7:09 pm

(M) – Belek is in Turkey… they wrote it up next to date..see?


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