Home » “Fly” without fear (VIDEO)

“Fly” without fear (VIDEO)

by WoV
source: Preparazione Fisica

Working for the development of specific exercises for each sport, we get in touch daily with technical and physical trainer from all categories, both from young sectors up to the senior national team coaching staff.

Often, much more importance is given to the pursuit of proper physical performance than to prevention, while we try as much as possible to fit within the same exercise both aspects though at times they may seem discordant or even opposite.

This kind of exercise is nothing more than the result of our considerations about using the abdominal muscles during flight in the technical movement of the block.

As always, the “core” area works as a perfect link between the lower and the higher limbs. That’s because during the “flight” phase, both are in a situation close to isometric.

That’s why we have tried to develop a tutorial reproducing the same conditions as the field’s ones. 

The discharge stroke of the lower limbs, resting on the back, will allow the athlete to be in a situation of continuous controlled disequilibrium.

The work of the abdominal wall in isometric contraction will allow the athlete to stabilize the most of the movement in the flight-simulation phase. 

We also want to give further aid for the upper limbs stabilization, by using a TRX. When the athlete is able to perform the movement safely, it is better not to use any aid, in order to make the simulation closer to what happens on the court. 

Some details:

It’s better, in order to perform this type of exercise safely, to support the athlete. Falling from the proprioceptive element destabilize the athlete in the sequent repetitions to perform.


BASE: 2 sets x 15 reps with the use of the TRX or possible

MEDIUM: 3 sets x 20 reps without the TRX
ADVANCED: 4 sets x 25 reps with dynamic movements

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