Aleksandar Boričić
Proposals who received the positive vote were:
- – Reducing the length of the free zone to 6.5 meters instead of 8 meters. The reason for that is to get the spectators closer to the action. It was suggested mainly from the Television and Marketing Commissions.
- – When a team registers 14 players in the O-2 bis form, including two liberos, all 14 players can be included in the score sheet.
- – To eliminate from the referee guidelines everything concerning Judge Conferences during the match.
- – Returning to the former rule of declaring fault every net touch between the antennas.
- – Any request of challenge to be made by the coach to the second referee via electronic tablets.
- – To allow the change of Federation of Origin regulation for players living in the same country for eight or more years and the men are over 38 years old and the women over 35 years old, without administrative fees with the consent of both national federations and FIVB.
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1. Every touch of the net if fault – Shoukdn’t we look forward and not go back to the same rules from the past? Like this we continue to interopt the game constantly with errors, and not with good actions???
2. Electronic tablets? And what do the time out signals and lights serve for? Anyway they are used inly a few times during set to recall tine outs and nothing else!!! Another expence for the clubs and another profit for somebody??!!!
3 change of national federation? And fir all other cases, just pay and is OK???
4. What is ‘Judge Conference’???