Home » BRA: Rogério Loureiro about problems in Brazlian Volleyball

BRA: Rogério Loureiro about problems in Brazlian Volleyball

by WoV
source: espacodovolei.com

This week, the President of Volta Redonda, Rogério Loureiro said it would be interesting to create an independent league in Brazil. Making clubs manage the Superliga is not impossible, as we are very close to NBB. Read more volleyball news on worldofvolley.com.


Rogério Loureiro

To get an independent league is firstly necessary because of a connection between the clubs, something that today is very superficial. In addition, the group chosen to organize it would have to have representatives of all categories. This union would be essential to take the first step.

Currently, clubs lose much revenue in media and mainly with brand exposure on court. The CBV have steady partners and passes them to the most central places, while the sponsors of the teams are left with part of the service zone. An independent league would be able to negotiate these issues and receive much more than today.

Much is said about CBV wanting to turn into something like NBA, but it is far from achieving this. That is something that binds American basketball. Today anyone, anywhere in the world can buy a Lakers shirt or a Knicks cap.

To read more news from this competition click on Brazil.

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