Home » BRA M: RJX won 1. game of quarterfinals

BRA M: RJX won 1. game of quarterfinals

by WoV
source: volleyball.it

RJX of Marlon, Theo, Dante and Lucas closed the regular season on 7. place by defeating Sesi of Murilo (33% in attack).



Wallace (54%) and his temmates managed to replace 2 sets of disadvantage in the 4. set and go ahead with 10:7 and 13:11 in the tiebreak.

However, that was not enough to win the match.

In addition to the center Danta Amaral (25 points with 54% attack), the highligh of RJX was Alan, MVP of the match.


Quarterfinals: Game 1: Results

March 18

2. vs 7. : SESI – SP – RJX 2:3 (23:25, 25:27, 25:17, 25:21, 14:16)

SESI – SP: Miranda Leonardo “Leo Mineiro” 8, Sandro Carvalho 3, Murilo Endres 14, Sidnei Santos “Sidao” 9, Tiago Barth 11, Martins Wallace 22, Sergio Dutra dos Santos (L); Leonardo Alves “Leozao” 0, Juleandro Rocha “Jotinha” 0, Diogo Silva 2, Rodrigo Santana “Rodrigao” 0
Did not enter: Valdir Goncalves “Juninho”
Coach: Giovane Gavio

RJX: Luiz Felipe Fonteles “Chupita” 13, Marlon Yared 3, Theo Lopes 12, Riad Ribeiro 7, Lucas Saatkamp 18, Dante Amaral 25, Alan Domingos (L), Paulo Victor Costa Da Silva 1, Vinicius Santos 0, Guilherme Santos 0 , Ualas Martins 0, Carlos Viana 0
Coach: Marcos Miranda
MVP: Alan Domingos

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