Home » BRA M: Robertlandy Simón says NO to Lube!

BRA M: Robertlandy Simón says NO to Lube!

by WoV
source: esportes.estadao.com.br; Photo: clubworldchampionships.2017.men.fivb.com

Robertlandy Simón is a huge force of the Brazilian giants Sada Cruzeiro and no wonder many world’s top-level sides want to take him away.



A rumor that Italian titleholders Cucine Lube Civitanova aimed Simón for the 2018/19 appeared. Since they already secured a signature of another Cruzeiro player, Yoandy Leal, hiring Cuban middle blocker would make Lube a super-strong team next season.

But, according to Bruno Voloch, Simón rejected the possibility of moving to SupeLega as he wants to conclude his contract with Cruzeiro, which is valid for one more year.


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Juliana March 22, 2018 - 11:57 am

The Lube should change its name to Sada Cruzeiro, it is wanting everything that is ours.

rivers March 22, 2018 - 3:17 pm

Re: @Juliana you don’t own players. So arrogant of you.
Bruno Voloch is also not credible. WoV should stop citing him as source.

Juliana March 23, 2018 - 1:30 am

But that is a lot of desire to be SADA CRUZEIRO is.

Juliana March 22, 2018 - 12:03 pm

Italian teams do not have any Italian, they’re foreign squads.

Mark March 23, 2018 - 12:36 am

Re: @Juliana
And Sada is a Cuban/Argentin squad… What are you talking about???

Juliana March 23, 2018 - 1:18 am

Re: @Mark What? Sada foreign squadron? 2 Cuban players and 1 Argentinean of 14 possible? You are misinformed.

pepo March 23, 2018 - 11:09 am

Re: @Juliana
2 Cuban players and 1 Argentinean… and coach…
So 6 people… 3 brasilian + 3 international + 1 international(coach)

Juliana March 23, 2018 - 12:28 pm

Re: @pepo First of all I’m just talking about the PLAYERS. As I’m talking about the whole TIME, 14.

rivers March 23, 2018 - 2:51 pm

Re: @Juliana please stop being stupid.
It’s only natural Italian League has more foreigners than in Brazil Superliga. Just look at their population. Italy: 60M Brazil 200M. That’s almost 3.5x than Italy’s population. It’s ofcourse great to know that Brazil can employ more of their own people but what Italy is doing is nothing wrong when their pool is limited. It’s pro club volleyball not the Olympics.
You should mind your own country’s problems. Superliga doesn’t even have a challenge system yet. lol

SilverMedal March 23, 2018 - 9:39 pm

Re: @rivers There`s only 2 Olympic Champs playing in Italy. And guess where are they from?. Italy keep pilling up Silver Medals, while Brazil is stocked up with Gold.

rivers March 24, 2018 - 7:57 am

Re: @SilverMedal who cares. Brazil remains poor and corrupted. Italy had more medals in Rio olympics while volleyball isn’t even their main sport.

I guess you can drown in your own gold medal that you cannot eat as food. 🙂

Juliana March 24, 2018 - 11:33 pm

Re: @rivers Stupid are you who do not respect the opinion of others. I did not say it was wrong, but I think the ‘Italian’ Super League should give more value to its players. True, the Brazilian Super League does not have a challenge system and even so, BRAZIL is an Olympic champion, over Italy. (I laughed a lot)

rivers March 25, 2018 - 3:10 am

Re: @Juliana calling me disrespectful when it is you who doesn’t respect italians as if they are inferior to you. You know what you are called? A sport NAZI! Even americans who are better in almost category of sports in the world aren’t as this boastful as some of the loudest brazilians when it comes to volleyball or football but you are acting as if the world actually gives a damn about it when there are other things you should worry about like your failure of a government. Who’s laughing last now? haha

Juliana March 25, 2018 - 4:51 am

Re: @rivers I did not disrespect the Italians in any moment. Unlike you who instead of talking about volleyball is civilly discussing social problems. Dear, this page is about VOLLEYBALL.

Kruma March 25, 2018 - 10:10 pm

I think what Jualian meant is that in the Italian League there`s only a few Italians on the court. The libero and 1 more (nobody cares for the libero, which means there`s only 1 Italian on the court). Italian clubs does not value its own players. They prefer foreigners over Italians.

ItalianlovesSilver March 25, 2018 - 11:08 pm

Re: @rivers Brazil beat Italy.
2002 WCH Quaterfinal
2004 OG Final
2008 OG Semis
2010 WCH Semis
2012 OG Semis
2016 OG Final

Is Italy loosing again at home the semis for Brazil at the WCH?

And Brazil does have the challenge system for the playoffs.

Kruma March 24, 2018 - 1:44 am

Re: @Juliana Leal is Brazilian now. Only 2 foreigners are allowed in each team. Uriarte and Simon.

Tom March 24, 2018 - 3:32 am

Re: @Kruma
Lean is brazilian only because Sada bought his papers. Can’t even speak portughese and LOVE his home country Cuba. This is typical Cruzeiro fans, I want to see now that he will leave, what you are going to do? HE ISN’t BRAZILIAN, WILL NEVER BE IN HIS HEART! JUST A PIECE OF PAPER to make him earn money

Juicy March 25, 2018 - 10:06 pm

Re: @Tom Yes Leon is Brazilian, and he will be winning Gold in Tokyo. He will love his Country ( Brazil) even more.

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