Home » FIVB Financial Dispute Steps

FIVB Financial Dispute Steps

by WoV
source: fivb.org

What to do if your volleyball club is late with payments? Is there anybody who can help me from the official parties? Can FIVB be involved and how?



Since many of you have requested us information about what to do in case your volleyball club is late with the payments of your contract or in some cases they didn’t pay at all, we have realized that many of you are not so well informed about your rights and what you can do.

What we would really like to suggest is that you directly (or agent who is representing you) go and talk to your club’s president or responsible person and find the solution without involving anybody. The best thing for volleyball professional is to do what knows to do best: volleyball!

Asking the FIVB or continental confederation (will see further who is responsible) to intermediate should be the last option for everybody. If there is no possibility other than inserting the FIVB to mediate, there are some rules that have to be followed so the FIVB can start an official procedure which sometimes can last a few months.

It means sooner you start with a procedure, sooner there will be chances for you to get your rights. Before contacting the FIVB, there are some documents that you have to prepare to present and also a fee to be paid to the FIVB in order to initiate the procedure of an official Complaint.

Starting from tomorrow, WorldofVolley is bringing you a series of articles step-by-step what to do and how to start an official FIVB procedure for Financial Disputes.


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