Home » GRE M: Tzouritz and Prousalis spoke of Greek national team

GRE M: Tzouritz and Prousalis spoke of Greek national team

by WoV
source: greekvolley.com; Photo: greekvolley.com

Mitar Tzouritz and Konstantinos Prousalis spoke of the Greek national team and their stay in Orestiada. Match against Belgium will be in honor of Nikolaos Samaras. For more latest volleyball news visit worldofvolley.com


Press conference

Prusalis: “We thank the Mayor and the local community for their hospitality and warmth that they give us from the first day. Certainly our task is not easy, but I think we will do everything to please the crowd. The most important game will be in Belgium. The first match will show the weaknesses and our strengths and in the rematch it will be decided.

Everyone responded to the invitation to play for the national team? Is this a breaking point?

I do not think that we have reached breaking point. I see that there is a joint effort of EOPE, players, coaches, in order to go to a big event such as the European Championship. There are no injury problems and we have a very good atmosphere.

Tzourits: “We felt the warmth of the city and we are all delighted to be here. We hope to do something good in the game tomorrow, but the most important match is what will take place in Belgium. Golden set could decide.

You made your first steps here in Orestiada. Is it important for you that this game will be played here and is this extra incentive?

Of course! I have lived many years here and am honored to play here. Last time I played hee I won the Cup with Olympiacos experiencing great emotions. I wish I can experience something similar with the national team. Belgium is a good team, not that we aren’t, but to win requires great effort and it will be a great fight. I repeat, however, that all will be decided in the second game.

At this point Prusalis noted: “Mitar has grown up here and it’s something special for him, but I assure you that for all the players of the National team is a great pleasure and honor to be in Orestiada, the metropolis of volleyball.

How much did you grow from the experiences playing abroad?

Tzourits: “Certainly in Italy a player can get much more volleyball knowledge. I learned a lot, I can learn more, but I definitely feel stronger. Italian championship is good. We will see just how good I am in the coming games in games.

Prusalis: “I decided to leave Greece wanting to become a better player, but this will be judged by the coaches. Now I’ve grown. I urge young people to experience the outside sooner because I did it at 32 and I learned a lot of new things.

Finally a question that the match against Belgium is in honor of Nikolaos Samaras:

Tzourits: “In my opinion it is an honor for us to be here to honor this great player. But I think that he deserves something bigger. A celebration that will take place every year and all Greece could remember him.

Prusalis: “Samaras was something similar like Galis, he brought children to the game and done a lot for the sport. I personally think that these great players are honored with their career. I agree that something should be done every year, but I believe that if Nick was alive and the hall was renamed to “Nick Samaras” we would be be weeping and him with all of us, but with joy.

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