Defeating the 2nd-seed Igor Gorgonzola Novara in 2 matches of the playoff finals of the 2020/21 Italian Women’s Lega Pallavolo Serie A Femminile, Imoco Volley Conegliano defended the championship title.
Game 2 started the way striking Game 1 ended and for the whole 2 sets, it seemed it will be repeated. However, the regular-season winners made a distance in relation to rivals then and dominated the rest of the match: 3-1 (31-29, 24-26, 25-18, 25-22). Paola Egonu once again showed an extraordinary performance (set Serie A single-game scoring record in the previous match), scoring 35 points for Imoco and winning the MVP award.
’The Panthers’ hit the 63rd consecutive victory today (undefeated the entire season) and clinched the 3rd straight championship title – the 4th overall.
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