In the list of the best scorers he is on the 25th place with 214 points in 59 sets.
Best scorers of 21st round
1.Bartosz Kurek (Lube Treia) 23 points
2. Mitja Gašparini (Calzedonia Verona) 22 points
3. Alessandro Fei (Lube Treia) 21 points
4. Uroš Kovačević (Parmareggio Modena) 20 points
5. Rafail Koumentakis (CMC Ravenna) 20 points
6. Padura Diaz Williams (Vero Monza) 19 points
7. Martin Nemec (Trentino) 18 points
8. Svetoslav Gotsev (Vero Moonza) 17 points
9. Jacopo Botto (Vero Monza) 17 points
10.Taylor Sander (Calzedonia Verona) 16 points
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