Instead of Zhang Changning, the 2016 Rio Olympics winner, Casalmaggiore hired her compatriot Zeng Chunlei!
Zeng Chunlei did not take part in the Rio Olympics last summer, but did in the 2012 London Olympics, and has always been on the preliminary list, or sometimes on the roster of the Chinese National Team, for major tournaments in recent years.
She is the Beijing native, making her debut for the club from the Chinese capital as a 15-year-old player (2004/2005) and was summoned for the NT for the first time in 2009, winning a gold medal in the 2015 FIVB World Cup.
Beijing was the only club whose jersey a 27-year-old Zeng Chunlei has worn in her professional career (with the exception of Guangdong in 2013/14) before coming to Casalmaggiore.
Zeng Chunlei, who signed a contract for one season with the Italian side, can cover two positions – a receiver and opposite.
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Just a correction: she did play at the 2012 London Olympics
Can`t wait to see her in Italy!