Home » ITA M: Perugia president Sirci says he closed a deal with León!

ITA M: Perugia president Sirci says he closed a deal with León!

by WoV
source: ivolleymagazine.it; Photo: Роман Кручинин

After Game 3 of the 2017/18 Italian men’s volleyball championship SuperLega UnipolSai playoff semifinals against Diatec Trentino, two days ago, Sir Safety Conad Perugia president Gino Sirci said the words that will make the club fans very joyful.




Sirci said to Il Corriere dell’Umbria that he has closed the deal with the Cuban Wilfredo León from Zenit Kazan for the next season and that only the official announcement is pending. Thus, Perugia president put an end to this transfer saga.

Sirci added he did not give up on keeping Ivan Zaytsev in the club despite the player’s statement from a few days ago.

„The possibility of Zaytsev’s staying in Perugia has created us a problem from the point of view of the budget, but it is in Perugia’s interest to try to keep him. We will do our best to do so, but of course we will have to find the economic coverage for this,“ iVolley Magazine transferred Sirci’s words.

This is what León said about moving to Perugia.

See our sections – Transfers – Done Deals and Transfers – Rumors.


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