Valentia – Perugia
Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia won against Sir Safety Perugia in 80 minutes, showing growth in all segments.
Klapwijk was the top scorer (18 points, 1 ace, 2 blocks, 58% attack). Urnaut had 16 points, Forni 8, Buti 5.
Farina was the MVP. Coscione also had a good game.
Simone Buti (Tonno Callipo Vibo Valentia): “When we play at home we always start strong and that gives us a big hand in the game. There are times when we lose our compass, but tonight we did well to take the game in hand and finish it in three sets. Perugia has worked very well against the correlation block-defense, much better than other times, and we can be very pleased with this result.“
Andrea Giovi (Sir Safety Perugia): “Vibo immediately started strong and put us in difficulty from the beginning. Then it was increasingly difficult for us to keep their pace in the second and in the third set. We dropped a little in service but were still effective in attack. On the other end we have struggled in reception for most of the game and we could not win.“
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