Home » Austria: Successful title defenses

Austria: Successful title defenses

by WoV
source: sportlive.at

UVC Graz Holding has successfully defended its title at U21 Championship in Hartberg. Steirer has on Sunday defeated hotVolleys after 90 minutes with 3:0 (25:20, 25:23, 25:18). Unfortunately, Aleksandar Blagojevic, who had injured a finger in semifinals, was not present.

Successful title defenses

Successful title defenses

The coach Zeljko Grbic of hotVolleys: “Today the players of Grazer were more compact and they have definitely earned the final victory.”

Even the girls had a successful title defense: SVS Post X-volley struck  Wildcats in the final with 3:0 (25:14, 25:22, 25:22).

The head coach of ÖVV Michael Warm about the performance of men: “The first four teams – Graz, hotVolleys, Hartenberg and VCA – had very equal quality. The performance of Graz was more balanced  – even in defense.”

Tense on trainer course in Styria
The next week will stay tense in Styria. The coach of the national team is holding the course for coaches in Schielleiten. 15 candidates (including SVS post assistant coach Peter Gartmayer) are there in hope for the highest Austrian license. On Saturday, they will be examined thoroughly.

U21 Men:
05/02/2012  UVC Holding Graz SG hotVolleys 3:0 (25:20, 25:23, 25:18)

Small Final
02.05.2012 Volksbank TSV Hartberg SG VCA Hypo Niederösterreich 3:0 (25:18, 25:22, 25:16)

The match for 5th place
05/02/2012 SG Enns / Wels VC Gewerbepark Mils 1:3 (24:26, 22:25, 25:19, 16:25)

The match for 7th place
02.05.2012 SG Raiffeisen Arbesbach Hypo Tirol Volleyball Team 0:3 (15:25, 13:25, 12:25)

UVC Holding Graz – SG Raiffeisen Arbesbach 3:0 (25:7, 25:19, 25:13)
TSV Volksbank Hartberg – SG Enns / Wels 3:0 (25:18, 25:9, 25:14)
SG hotVolleys – VC Gewerbepark Mils 3:0 (25:17, 25:20, 25:17)
SG VCA Hypo Niederösterreich – Hypo Tirol Volleyball Team 3-0 (25:21, 25:18, 25:22)

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