Home » Volleyball proclaimed as the most gender-equal sport in Australia!

Volleyball proclaimed as the most gender-equal sport in Australia!

by WoV
source: volleyballaustralia.org

An interested survey about participation in sport nationally was conducted these days in Australia and gave quite interesting results regarding volleyball.

The Australian Sports Commission has released its first independent survey, The AusPlay survey, into participation rates across sports in Australia. The AusPlay survey can be described as important baseline containing data important for future independent assessment of participation rates in Australian sport.

It confirms volleyball is the most gender-equal sport in Australia and also confirms that volleyball is also the third biggest Olympic team sport, one of the largest team sports by participation, and enjoys high rates of participation across all age groups.

President of Australian Volleyball Federation, Craig Carracher, was pleased with the results of a survey.

“Volleyball has been a sleeping giant that has just been awoken, and has already bypassed traditional Australian sports like hockey and rugby union in terms of participation. But importantly we can now benchmark participation rates against independent data points,” he said.

The AusPlay results came in the same month Volleyball Australia announced a four million (Australian) dollars National Participation Agenda, which will see for the first time every state and territory volleyball association working with Volleyball Australia to lift the quantity and quality of participation rates in volleyball nationwide.


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