Home » POL M: Zaksa – “Two sides are needed for signing a contract!”

POL M: Zaksa – “Two sides are needed for signing a contract!”

by WoV
source: Photo: siatka.org

It didn't take long for Zaksa to comment the actual case of Gregorz Bociek. Team from Kedzierzyn-Kozle announced that the player was tricked.

Sabina Nowosielska

Sabina Nowosielska

According to the rules, you need to present all contracts with the players before the start of the season. And, Zaksa fulfilled that obligation, including the contract of Gregorz Bociek. But, what about AZS Częstochowa?

Bociek has been receiving his copies of the contract with AZS Częstochowa until May 2013. After that, he didn’t sign anything, but verbally accepted the proposal of possible extension of the contract… Not knowing that it gives one sided option for the club to extend it for another year.”

Finally, let us just mention that the president of The Court of Appeal is former president of AZS Częstochowa… That gives us doubts of impartiality of the court” said Sabina Nowosielska, president of Zaksa.

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