Lorenzo Micelli
“Christmas has always been a very nice time for me,” acknowledges the Italian-born mentor.
“Back home in Italy it is time for school holidays, which means that my family is able to join me and stay with me for one or even two weeks. I have never spent Christmas alone, I have always been celebrating these days with my family. I love kids and they can turn your day around with just one smile even though they can also touch your heartstrings with their tears. Christmas is a very special time for me because I am spending it with my family. On the other hand, it is also a little dangerous because after eating and drinking a little too much you end up putting on two-three extra kilos,” he adds with a smile.
Micelli is the kind of person that prefers to make presents rather than to receive them.
“Yes, I like to make gifts to other people much more than to receive them. I like to see happiness stamped on the face of other people. If I receive something, I am of course happy that somebody has been thinking of me. However, to give is much more important than to receive,” he explains.
There is one Christmas gift that Micelli still remembers very well:
“It was about 28 years ago and wanted to get a scooter. All of my friends had one and eventually I also got mine from my father. It was a big surprise for me; it wasn’t a new one or that expensive either, but still something that I really wanted at that age. Most of my friends were born at the beginning of the year while my birthday comes in October. All of them had been riding scooters whilst I was almost the only one left who was still riding a bike when we went out for fishing, playing football or basketball. I was the last in the row, so to speak, and since I was not an adult yet, riding a scooter was for me like being a Formula 1 driver. It was some kind of status symbol at my age. I did not feel the same when I bought my first car,” Micelli recalls.
This year Micelli is particularly happy with the opportunity to spend Christmas in his home country.
“My sister is working for a mission in Thailand whilst my brother is a policeman. We do not see each other that often during the year but at least for Christmas we are trying to come together again. By the time I was working in Turkey for Eczacibasi, we had matches also on December 26 and so my family had to fly over to Istanbul to join me. Now for the first time in four years I am delighted that I can spend Christmas at home in Italy with all of them.”
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