VolleyJUMP is the most comprehensive all-in-one solution with many workout programs to choose from for volleyball players of all levels, whether you’re a beginner or a pro player from a national team, the VolleyJUMP Program covers all bases for improving your weaknesses. It’s really rare to see something this detailed available to the volleyball community. VolleyJUMP isn’t just about getting off the ground faster and leaping over your opponents, it’s an all-around training platform that guarantees you will hit harder, jump higher and defend like a volleyball champion.
We spoke with Reid Hall, the creator, about the importance of a program like VolleyJUMP, he said “I have been a lover and coach of volleyball for over 8 years and one thing that I hate to see but happens most often are volleyball injuries. Not only do they prevent the athlete from competing during their recovery time but they also become more susceptible to injury in the future. The one commonality that all the players had was that they either lacked time in the gym or the exercises they were doing in the gym were not performed properly.”
Reid stresses the importance of a volleyball specific workout schedule on top of volleyball practice and game time. Which makes sense, of course, gaining the right amount of muscles on the appropriate parts of your body will allow you to better perform movements during game time. But putting on too much muscle on the wrong areas of your body or not eating properly can have a negative affect on your game performance.
The VolleyJUMP program contains over 300+ volleyball specific exercise videos and is broken up into 8 categories including HIT HARDER, JUMP HIGHER, VOLLEYBALL ABS, and more. There are multiple workout programs available for you to choose from including IN SEASON, OFF SEASON, AT HOME, POST WORKOUTS and many more updated and added monthly. You also get access to nutrition plans, a monthly webinar where you can ask Coach Reid questions, and many ways for you to evaluate and track your progress. You also get access to a volleyball specific community where you can share, ask questions, and exchange information on our forums.
What we found as highly likable about VolleyJUMP is how affordable and cost effective the program is, you really get more value then you pay for at $27 a month, we really have to say WOW! If you love volleyball and want to improve your game, then this is the program you need to get.
Reid Hall has helped 1000’s of volleyball players by creating online workout programs (Reids-Workouts.com) for athletes ranging from 14 years old all the way up to the best players in the world and has designed the training templates for over 15 different Universities/Colleges. So you know you’re in good hands.
Get started with VolleyJUMP today by visiting volleyjump.com.
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Ohhhh woow this looks absolutely awesome