Italian player agreed terms with Galatasaray, so she will wear red and yellow jersey in the next season.
Centoni has been playing for RC Cannes since 2007, and won numerous trophies with the French team.
She is the second reinforcement for Istanbul giant in this transfer period, after Caterina Bosetti.
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1 comment
Welcome Centoni. We know her very well beacuse of the confrontations between RC Cannes, Vakifbank and Galatasaray last couple of years. She is quite fine all around player. After the deception by the loss of Montano, I am happy with this move. I am expecting soon the declaration of Meijners too. De toute facon, we need an elite middle blocker. Centoni and Bosetti will not solve our block problems. Meijners and taller setter Gamze will help for sure. However, young Asli and Ozgenur will not be enough to close our middle against Sheila, Montano, Kim, Neslihan, Larsson, De La Cruz, Gozde, Rasic, Poljak, Bauer and so many quality hitters in the league.